A few great pics of the terrible, ugh, I mean terrific twosome...
Oh how life changes! The joy of kids has changed the purpose of this blog a little, but now it seems to have more meaning! We miss all of you who are so far away and hope this makes it just a little easier.
Thursday, December 30, 2010
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
When Naps turn into a power struggle...
I'm not quite sure exactly WHO is involved in this struggle, I guess that depends on the moment, but let there be no mistake naps have taken a turn towards disastrous! For the first week, we held our breath that their climbing out of the cribs was just a fluke and they would soon tire of this novelty, but in the end it was not to be.
Next we thought, oh well they will just fall asleep on the floor eventually; and they did, right after they took every piece of clothing out of the dresser, and the next day did the same with the closet followed by the entire contents of the closet floor (diapers, sheets, shoes, diaper bags etc). So we naturally thought we, the adults, would just out maneuver them and put child proof drawer pulls on the dresser and a door lock that prevents them from opening the closet and then we would be set. They would now either sleep in their cribs or on the floor and we were OK with this. Well, that is not how it went at all.
Yesterday Doug went to see what all the yelling and commotion was about when during nap time Isabel started yelling "no", "nooooo", "nooo" and there was some crying also. Upon entering their room, he discovered both girls were out of their cribs, and all the toys, both Izzy and Lexi's toys, were all piled into Izzy's crib and she didn't want to share them any more. So naturally Doug separated the toys, and put each child in their respective cribs and back down stairs he comes. About 15 minutes later we hear more crying, a little more intense than the last time, and more "no"s shouted by Isabel. Upon reentry to their room Doug sees Isabel standing on the outside of her crib, pointing and yelling at her crib which again is FILLED, with ALL the toys; only this time, he notices the toys are moving and Lexi is no where to be seen. Well little miss Alexa decided that if Isabel was going to take all the toys and put them in her crib, then she was going to get in Izzy's crib too. Smart kid, but Izzy didn't like it so much. After separating them again, we later checked in while it was quiet to find both girls asleep in Izzy's bed once again...they truly are best friends.
They drive me crazy with the bickering and fighting, but then they make my heart explode with pride and love in moments like seeing them asleep next to each other in one crib.
Next we thought, oh well they will just fall asleep on the floor eventually; and they did, right after they took every piece of clothing out of the dresser, and the next day did the same with the closet followed by the entire contents of the closet floor (diapers, sheets, shoes, diaper bags etc). So we naturally thought we, the adults, would just out maneuver them and put child proof drawer pulls on the dresser and a door lock that prevents them from opening the closet and then we would be set. They would now either sleep in their cribs or on the floor and we were OK with this. Well, that is not how it went at all.
Yesterday Doug went to see what all the yelling and commotion was about when during nap time Isabel started yelling "no", "nooooo", "nooo" and there was some crying also. Upon entering their room, he discovered both girls were out of their cribs, and all the toys, both Izzy and Lexi's toys, were all piled into Izzy's crib and she didn't want to share them any more. So naturally Doug separated the toys, and put each child in their respective cribs and back down stairs he comes. About 15 minutes later we hear more crying, a little more intense than the last time, and more "no"s shouted by Isabel. Upon reentry to their room Doug sees Isabel standing on the outside of her crib, pointing and yelling at her crib which again is FILLED, with ALL the toys; only this time, he notices the toys are moving and Lexi is no where to be seen. Well little miss Alexa decided that if Isabel was going to take all the toys and put them in her crib, then she was going to get in Izzy's crib too. Smart kid, but Izzy didn't like it so much. After separating them again, we later checked in while it was quiet to find both girls asleep in Izzy's bed once again...they truly are best friends.
They drive me crazy with the bickering and fighting, but then they make my heart explode with pride and love in moments like seeing them asleep next to each other in one crib.
Tuesday, December 07, 2010
Merry Christmas
We visited Santa last week, and lets just say the girls didn't cry, but they were less than enthusiastic. Alexa was easily convinced to get up on the big guys lap with the promise of a candy cane if she did; Isabel on the other hand didn't want anything to do with it. She just wanted the candy, but she wasn't gonna sit anywhere, on anyone for it! So I informed the lady behind the camera that I was going to distract her, and then throw her up on Santa's lap really quick and that she, the picture taker, would have seconds to take the photo. She couldn't have been better with her timing! I put Izzy on Santa's lap, she squeaked a toy to get them to both look up and simultaneously took the picture. They might not be smiling but if you only knew the tantrum/freakout that occured moments later! Isabel threw her head back and stiffened her body and started screaming and squirming. Poor Santa!
Thursday, December 02, 2010
One of the many days I have feared...
To many it may sound silly, but there are specific moments in the girls lives that I fear. Not the terror type of fear, but more so the saddened to see that time pass fear. The fear of knowing I will never again have "this". Another of those moments is quickly arriving, and I again wish I could just hit the slow motion/pause button in our lives as mother and daughters; but alas there is no stopping them...
The girls can both get out of their cribs on their own!!!!!!!
I know, it's probably a huge let down to most of my readers after that build up, but for me, Mom, this is huge. It means I have to start thinking about toddler beds, and that translates into my beautiful little babies becoming little girls. The start of the end of toddlerhood if you will; or rather the beginning of the progression from toddlerhood to childhood. Rationally, I know there are 10,000 ways to think about this event in our lives, but for me, it is scary entering a new phase of their lives.
I am still holding out hope that the exiting of the pack and plays while we were in North Carolina visiting Doug's parents, and the subsequent escape from their cribs two days later at home, are isolated events and I will be able to keep them "caged" a while longer. I realize they are ready to be free to get out of bed whenever they like, but let's be honest, I AM NOT!!!!
Is it that I am not ready for them to be able to get out of bed by themselves or is it that I know this is the proverbial door opening to the world of self sufficiency and WILL POWER!?!?!?! Can I handled TWO strong willed, determined, and if they are anything like me, sometimes rotten little girls? I fear I cannot; and that I am not yet equipped to deal with power struggles eloquently. Most importantly to not lose my mind in the process! :)
I find it interesting that I have no interest in becoming a mom again, you know, the whole empty womb thing, yet I am struggling to let all these moments come and go. I don't want to start all over with a new baby, but I do what to hold on with all my might to where the girls are now in their lives. It sounds so selfish when I put it out there for everyone to read, but I could not be more in love with these two little girls.
The girls can both get out of their cribs on their own!!!!!!!
I know, it's probably a huge let down to most of my readers after that build up, but for me, Mom, this is huge. It means I have to start thinking about toddler beds, and that translates into my beautiful little babies becoming little girls. The start of the end of toddlerhood if you will; or rather the beginning of the progression from toddlerhood to childhood. Rationally, I know there are 10,000 ways to think about this event in our lives, but for me, it is scary entering a new phase of their lives.
I am still holding out hope that the exiting of the pack and plays while we were in North Carolina visiting Doug's parents, and the subsequent escape from their cribs two days later at home, are isolated events and I will be able to keep them "caged" a while longer. I realize they are ready to be free to get out of bed whenever they like, but let's be honest, I AM NOT!!!!
Is it that I am not ready for them to be able to get out of bed by themselves or is it that I know this is the proverbial door opening to the world of self sufficiency and WILL POWER!?!?!?! Can I handled TWO strong willed, determined, and if they are anything like me, sometimes rotten little girls? I fear I cannot; and that I am not yet equipped to deal with power struggles eloquently. Most importantly to not lose my mind in the process! :)
I find it interesting that I have no interest in becoming a mom again, you know, the whole empty womb thing, yet I am struggling to let all these moments come and go. I don't want to start all over with a new baby, but I do what to hold on with all my might to where the girls are now in their lives. It sounds so selfish when I put it out there for everyone to read, but I could not be more in love with these two little girls.
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
The girls are becoming more and more independent right before our very eyes! They amaze me constantly and crack me up often too. It is the most mind blowing experience to see your children try new things for the very first time with no fear. Like most 2 year olds, the girls are very excited about doing "it" themselves, and accomplishing "big girl" tasks. I find myself having so many moments that I just want to freeze in time, often the thought of "can we just stay right here, right now, forever". I am proud and my heart breaks at the same time when I realize they will never be here, like this, ever again; that with each day they are growing and getting smarter and CHANGING, constantly changing.
The other day we were finishing up dinner, and Alexa said "all done" and waved her hands in the air showing me the sign for all done. So she started to climb out of her chair, and I said "we need to wash your hands", so off we went to the bathroom, and together we were singing and washing, and washing and drying, and when we were all finished and came out of the powder room, there Izzy stood next to the CLEARED kitchen table. My first thought, was oh crap, what did she do with the plates, and more importantly the food that was left on them! So I started looking around and hunting for the "mess", looking in the family room (it has carpet!), and on the couch, or behind the chair, and nothing, can't find anything. So I turn around and head for the play room, maybe she brought it in there, and was using her toddler table and chairs to eat or pretend. Nope, not in there either. So finally, I think, maybe she just threw EVERYTHING in the garbage?!?! I make my way over to the garbage can, pop the lid open, and all I see is food. No plates, no cups, not a utensil to be found. I am stumped, can't imagine what might have happened to the dishes...and then I looked in the sink. My little Isabel had gotten up from the table, brought her plate over to the garbage and dumped her uneaten food into the garbage, then closed the lid and brought her plate over to the sink and dropped it in. She then cleared Lexa's plate the same way and followed that by putting all the utensils and cups, and even through away the used napkins ALL BY HERSELF! I was completely thrown, and so proud of her. If it has taught me anything, it is that these girls can do WAY more than I think they are capable of.
A few of the other new accomplishment for the girls include: zipping and unzipping anything with a zipper! Full, correct pronunciations, for example, saying Bobbie, instead of BaBa, when referring to Grandma Bobbie or saying Mommy, instead of Mama. The other day Lexi concentrated really hard and actually made the "z" sound when saying Izzy! Prior to that it had always sounded like "didy". Using the side to side motion while brushing their own teeth, still working on this but they are starting to get it. Shapes and Colors. The most often correct ones are Oval (weird!), and blue, pink, and purple.
They are enjoying reading more than ever, and LOVE, LOVE, LOVE flash cards. We are working on some art projects too, finger painting, playdoh, crayons, markers and stickers so far. Keep an eye out, you might get a masterpiece sent to you in the mail!! :)
With all of these milestones and amazing things happening in the girls, and our lives, I again found myself wanting to freeze time. Since I haven't mastered that yet, I did the next best thing and asked my friend Jenni to come over and take some pictures of me and the girls on our property. I wished Doug could be there, but duty called! Here are a few of the pictures we took that day, I am so happy with how they turned out, and might be a little biased, but these girls are precious:
The other day we were finishing up dinner, and Alexa said "all done" and waved her hands in the air showing me the sign for all done. So she started to climb out of her chair, and I said "we need to wash your hands", so off we went to the bathroom, and together we were singing and washing, and washing and drying, and when we were all finished and came out of the powder room, there Izzy stood next to the CLEARED kitchen table. My first thought, was oh crap, what did she do with the plates, and more importantly the food that was left on them! So I started looking around and hunting for the "mess", looking in the family room (it has carpet!), and on the couch, or behind the chair, and nothing, can't find anything. So I turn around and head for the play room, maybe she brought it in there, and was using her toddler table and chairs to eat or pretend. Nope, not in there either. So finally, I think, maybe she just threw EVERYTHING in the garbage?!?! I make my way over to the garbage can, pop the lid open, and all I see is food. No plates, no cups, not a utensil to be found. I am stumped, can't imagine what might have happened to the dishes...and then I looked in the sink. My little Isabel had gotten up from the table, brought her plate over to the garbage and dumped her uneaten food into the garbage, then closed the lid and brought her plate over to the sink and dropped it in. She then cleared Lexa's plate the same way and followed that by putting all the utensils and cups, and even through away the used napkins ALL BY HERSELF! I was completely thrown, and so proud of her. If it has taught me anything, it is that these girls can do WAY more than I think they are capable of.
A few of the other new accomplishment for the girls include: zipping and unzipping anything with a zipper! Full, correct pronunciations, for example, saying Bobbie, instead of BaBa, when referring to Grandma Bobbie or saying Mommy, instead of Mama. The other day Lexi concentrated really hard and actually made the "z" sound when saying Izzy! Prior to that it had always sounded like "didy". Using the side to side motion while brushing their own teeth, still working on this but they are starting to get it. Shapes and Colors. The most often correct ones are Oval (weird!), and blue, pink, and purple.
They are enjoying reading more than ever, and LOVE, LOVE, LOVE flash cards. We are working on some art projects too, finger painting, playdoh, crayons, markers and stickers so far. Keep an eye out, you might get a masterpiece sent to you in the mail!! :)
With all of these milestones and amazing things happening in the girls, and our lives, I again found myself wanting to freeze time. Since I haven't mastered that yet, I did the next best thing and asked my friend Jenni to come over and take some pictures of me and the girls on our property. I wished Doug could be there, but duty called! Here are a few of the pictures we took that day, I am so happy with how they turned out, and might be a little biased, but these girls are precious:
Tuesday, November 09, 2010
They take after their daddy!
I dont' know if some of you know this but Doug LOVES Halloween. Any excuse to dress up in weird outfits and try to make people pee themselves with either fear or humor. He is a funny guy. Well the girls, as it turns out, are the same way. Isabel and Alexa LOVED Halloween. They tired quickly, which was fine because they can't eat the candy anyway, but they really enjoyed running around from house to house. We were trick or treating with a group of kids, 14 in all, and all but one of the kids were older than the girls. So the way it is done down here in So. MD, is you ride on a trailor that is decorated with hay bails and lights etc pulled by a tractor and then they stop at clusters of houses and all the kids jump off, and trick or treat at the houses closest together and then run back over to the trailer, and off we go to the next cluster of houses. At the first group of houses, Izzy looked confused, she wasn't sure what all the commotion was and even more confused as to whether she wanted to run off with them. Lexa on the other hand, she was off the trailer and running towards the first door before I knew it. She wasn't sure what she was doing up there, but wanted to be in the middle of it anyway! By the second group of houses Izzy wanted to go up to the houses, but she wanted to go with Mommy instead of Daddy, so we switched animals (the girls dressed up as a giraffe and tiger!) and I soon discovered that while Alexa was into getting into the houses and seeing what was happening up close, Isabel was happy just to be running and playing to and from the houses. At the 3rd or 4th stop the girls were all done, they wanted to get some water and go home. Perfect. Hope everyone had a fun Halloween, here are a few pictures from our night:
Monday, September 20, 2010
They might be giants???
Last week the girls went to the doctor for their 2 year appointment/check up. We are happy to report that they are healthy, on target, perfectly normal, toddlers. We have some big girls, tall girls to be more specific, and in the words of my sister Paula, they are giants! So here they are, the stats:
36.25 inches tall-97th percentile
27lbs. 9oz.-60th percentile
48cm head-75th percentile
36.25 inches tall-97th percentile
28lbs. 5oz.-75th percentile
47.5cm head-75th percentile
If we are going by the "height prediction" theory that children will be twice as tall as they are on their second birthday, then our girls will be 72.5 inches, or 6 feet tall!! An early indicator was when we were buying footed PJs for them, we had to get size 3T because the 2Ts weren't long enough! We're thinking volleyball is in their future. Who knows, but for now they will just continue to be adorable in a tall package!
36.25 inches tall-97th percentile
27lbs. 9oz.-60th percentile
48cm head-75th percentile
36.25 inches tall-97th percentile
28lbs. 5oz.-75th percentile
47.5cm head-75th percentile
If we are going by the "height prediction" theory that children will be twice as tall as they are on their second birthday, then our girls will be 72.5 inches, or 6 feet tall!! An early indicator was when we were buying footed PJs for them, we had to get size 3T because the 2Ts weren't long enough! We're thinking volleyball is in their future. Who knows, but for now they will just continue to be adorable in a tall package!
Monday, September 13, 2010
Thank you and a quick update
Thank you to everyone that helped make our girls 2nd birthday a very happy and special event. Thank you for all of the great gifts, the girls are in heaven.
The girls are typical two year olds, and they love to do it themselves. It is so adorable when they come marching up with all the laundry I just folded spilling out of their arms (and coming completely unfolded) so they can help Mommy put it away. I keep reminding myself not to get upset with them because now I have to refold it all, but to just appreciate how excited they are to help. I am not sure who has more to learn at this stage of their lives, me or them! I am constantly trying to remind myself that my memories will never be filled with folded laundry, washed floors, or how clean my house was, but rather with those learning moments with my girls. It gives me new meaning to "re-evaluating what is truly important".
The girls are quite funny, and are constantly doing new things to make us laugh, especially if it involves selling the other one out! The other day I was filling water cups for them, and had placed the lids on the counter. The girls know they are not really supposed to take things off the counter without permission, but out of the corner of my eye I see Lexi on her tippy toes, reaching as far as she can to get one of the lids. She is successful and when she brings it down in front of her, she sees it is the pink lid (Izzy's), so she walks over to Izzy and hands her the lid. And then she realizes I am watching. Without skipping a beat she turns around and starts waving her pointer finger back and forth and says "No, No, No". I couldn't help but laugh!
A week or so later, Doug was at home with the girls and had gone into the basement to put something away and when he came back up stairs he forgot to put the child lock back on the basement door. So he is going about his day and doing things around the house and it occurs to him that he hasn't heard much coming from the girls recently. So he goes into see what they are up to, and notices the basement door open. He creeps down stairs and busts them playing in the basement. When he snuck up on them Isabel was empty handed but Alexa was holding two of the Jack-o-lantern trick or treat buckets, and so without blinking Izzy starts waving her finger at Lexa saying "No, No, No". Well you know what they say about payback!!
They are quick to sell eachother out, except when it comes to timeout; this is when they decide to work together and team up against Mommy! I recently have tried to institute time outs when the girls are hitting or biting. I have chosen a "naughty" spot in our foyer where there are no toys and it's isolated from the other commonly played in areas of our house. So I am sure most of you know the drill, they get a warning the first time they do it, and if they repeat the offense (hitting or biting), they go into time out for 1 minute (now 2 since their birthday was last week). They quickly figured out that if I am placing one child on the naughty spot, the other will do something "bad" to get my attention, and then while I am addressing that, the child on the naughty spot will get up and run away. So then I will chase down that child to place them back on the naughty spot, only to see the other one doing something again to make me run after them. It is mean, just plain mean; but I can't seem to beat it yet...
The girls are typical two year olds, and they love to do it themselves. It is so adorable when they come marching up with all the laundry I just folded spilling out of their arms (and coming completely unfolded) so they can help Mommy put it away. I keep reminding myself not to get upset with them because now I have to refold it all, but to just appreciate how excited they are to help. I am not sure who has more to learn at this stage of their lives, me or them! I am constantly trying to remind myself that my memories will never be filled with folded laundry, washed floors, or how clean my house was, but rather with those learning moments with my girls. It gives me new meaning to "re-evaluating what is truly important".
The girls are quite funny, and are constantly doing new things to make us laugh, especially if it involves selling the other one out! The other day I was filling water cups for them, and had placed the lids on the counter. The girls know they are not really supposed to take things off the counter without permission, but out of the corner of my eye I see Lexi on her tippy toes, reaching as far as she can to get one of the lids. She is successful and when she brings it down in front of her, she sees it is the pink lid (Izzy's), so she walks over to Izzy and hands her the lid. And then she realizes I am watching. Without skipping a beat she turns around and starts waving her pointer finger back and forth and says "No, No, No". I couldn't help but laugh!
A week or so later, Doug was at home with the girls and had gone into the basement to put something away and when he came back up stairs he forgot to put the child lock back on the basement door. So he is going about his day and doing things around the house and it occurs to him that he hasn't heard much coming from the girls recently. So he goes into see what they are up to, and notices the basement door open. He creeps down stairs and busts them playing in the basement. When he snuck up on them Isabel was empty handed but Alexa was holding two of the Jack-o-lantern trick or treat buckets, and so without blinking Izzy starts waving her finger at Lexa saying "No, No, No". Well you know what they say about payback!!
They are quick to sell eachother out, except when it comes to timeout; this is when they decide to work together and team up against Mommy! I recently have tried to institute time outs when the girls are hitting or biting. I have chosen a "naughty" spot in our foyer where there are no toys and it's isolated from the other commonly played in areas of our house. So I am sure most of you know the drill, they get a warning the first time they do it, and if they repeat the offense (hitting or biting), they go into time out for 1 minute (now 2 since their birthday was last week). They quickly figured out that if I am placing one child on the naughty spot, the other will do something "bad" to get my attention, and then while I am addressing that, the child on the naughty spot will get up and run away. So then I will chase down that child to place them back on the naughty spot, only to see the other one doing something again to make me run after them. It is mean, just plain mean; but I can't seem to beat it yet...
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
Hugs and Snubs
Recently I have been trying to teach the girls to give hugs. They love to give 5, and even knuckles or pounds, but hugs some how escaped them. The faces they would make when I would say "give Mommy a hug" were priceless. Some thing in between, "what the ____ did you just say" and "Is that English?"! Hilarious.
Then I started picking up each of their arms and putting them around my neck and squeezing them, and saying "hugs". Then I would walk away and a few minutes later, I would put my arms out toward either of them and say "hugs?" and the first time the kinda just leaned in, head first, and left their arms down by their sides and let me squeeze them. Then after a weeks they would put their hands on my shoulders and half hug me. Then one day, they both did it correctly and I was so happy! Yay, my girls know what a hug is, and how to give one.
Well that joy was short lived. I am now being snubbed for hugs! What, they aren't even two yet. This can't be happening, I am their mom, they love me, they are supposed to want to hug me! :( Well, I think they like the control I have just given them. The other day I asked Izzy for a hug and she walked up to me, started to lift her arms, and then laughed at me and turned and ran away. I had just been snubbed by my 22 month old!
Two days later, I realized I was not the only one she was doing this to. Miss Alexa, was playing with her sister and suddenly she just puts her arms out towards Izzy, and was just waiting for a hug. I was watching her and thought this was the cutest moment I had experienced yet with the twins. I was getting all warm with pride and emotion, and then just as quickly as Lexi had presented this cute, and lovable, and genuine moment, Izzy crushed it. She walked toward Lexa like she was going hug her back and then at the last minute turned away from her and laughed. Poor Lexa, she was snubbed too.
Don't worry I didn't leave her hanging, I hugged her enough for Izzy too! These girls are too funny some times!
Then I started picking up each of their arms and putting them around my neck and squeezing them, and saying "hugs". Then I would walk away and a few minutes later, I would put my arms out toward either of them and say "hugs?" and the first time the kinda just leaned in, head first, and left their arms down by their sides and let me squeeze them. Then after a weeks they would put their hands on my shoulders and half hug me. Then one day, they both did it correctly and I was so happy! Yay, my girls know what a hug is, and how to give one.
Well that joy was short lived. I am now being snubbed for hugs! What, they aren't even two yet. This can't be happening, I am their mom, they love me, they are supposed to want to hug me! :( Well, I think they like the control I have just given them. The other day I asked Izzy for a hug and she walked up to me, started to lift her arms, and then laughed at me and turned and ran away. I had just been snubbed by my 22 month old!
Two days later, I realized I was not the only one she was doing this to. Miss Alexa, was playing with her sister and suddenly she just puts her arms out towards Izzy, and was just waiting for a hug. I was watching her and thought this was the cutest moment I had experienced yet with the twins. I was getting all warm with pride and emotion, and then just as quickly as Lexi had presented this cute, and lovable, and genuine moment, Izzy crushed it. She walked toward Lexa like she was going hug her back and then at the last minute turned away from her and laughed. Poor Lexa, she was snubbed too.
Don't worry I didn't leave her hanging, I hugged her enough for Izzy too! These girls are too funny some times!
Saturday, July 24, 2010
Two amazing little girls
As we approach the girls' birthday I am in awe at what they know. They have great memories, and love puzzles. They are constantly amazing me when they associate two different actions or events. Like putting shoes on happens before we go in the car; so even though we could just be going outside to play, they always ask "Car?" when I put their shoes on. They associate when certain activities occur. Also amazing to me is when we are putting something together in one room and a piece is missing I will ask Izzy or Lexi to "go get me the _____" and they run into their play room and hunt and dig through all their toys until they find the exact item we need. It is amazing.
Everyday brings something new, and I love being there with them to experience it as it happens. The other day Alexa walked up to me and pointed to a cabinet in the kitchen and said "nack" and at first I didn't get it, I was puzzled...and then I got it. They had just gotten up from their nap, and it was snack time. She was pointing to the cabinet where I keep their snack cups! It was so cute.
Lexa has also discovered how to take her diaper off, in the middle of the night, but hasn't quite figured out putting it back on...I guess we have to take the good with the bad, right?
As of right now, this moment, their three favorite words to say are duck, dog, and ball...but that could all change tomorrow! A few new words and phrases for them are "excuse me", which Alexa says "me me", and nose but for both Is and Lexa it comes out as "no". Elmo= "mo mo", and boobs/boobies, yes, the girls like to say boobs/boobies. "bobos"
Everyday brings something new, and I love being there with them to experience it as it happens. The other day Alexa walked up to me and pointed to a cabinet in the kitchen and said "nack" and at first I didn't get it, I was puzzled...and then I got it. They had just gotten up from their nap, and it was snack time. She was pointing to the cabinet where I keep their snack cups! It was so cute.
Lexa has also discovered how to take her diaper off, in the middle of the night, but hasn't quite figured out putting it back on...I guess we have to take the good with the bad, right?
As of right now, this moment, their three favorite words to say are duck, dog, and ball...but that could all change tomorrow! A few new words and phrases for them are "excuse me", which Alexa says "me me", and nose but for both Is and Lexa it comes out as "no". Elmo= "mo mo", and boobs/boobies, yes, the girls like to say boobs/boobies. "bobos"
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
Just when you think you have it figured out...
In my previous post I was describing my ever so independent Isabel, and our cuddly Lexi and before the post was two weeks old, everything changed! This past week I have noticed that Isabel has been spending more time in my lap and has been wanting me to hold her a lot more. It then dawned on me, that Lexi won't even give me a high five when I ask for it lately! Whoo, and I thought I was starting to figure them out! I guess my mommy lesson this week is not to get too comfortable with the way things are because they won't be that way for long!
I also realized this week, that my girls are moving into independent exploration mode and that they don't always want mommy to tag along. In fact, they don't always want to explore with each other either. I'm finding it harder to adjust and to just hang back and watch from a distance then I thought it would be. They are so strong, and so daring, and I just want to protect them...but I also don't want to smother them or stifle their independence and social skills. The difficulty of this time is taking me by surprise.
We found a great park about 30 minutes from our new house and it is great because it is set up for all ages. The jungle gyms all have ramps that run through them, and at each transition platform their is a slide. The first of which is only about 1.5 feet off the ground and is meant for the first time slider. Each ramp then leads to a slide that that is slightly greater in pitch until you get to one that is about 25ft high and goes almost straight down. There are probably 15 different slides at different heights in between. The ground is covered in rubber, and it is really great for kids of all ages.
The other day we took the girls there, and they had so much fun. They didn't want to hold our hands, or wait for us, they were ready to run! I'm just not so sure we were ready for it. I can't wait to take them there again, unfortunately we forgot the camera, but plan to go back again soon.
We are practicing new words, and trying new things, everyday is an adventure. The girls are loving our neighbors, there are 7 girls from 4 different houses, that range in age from 8-11 years old, and two little boys ages 4 and 5. The elementary school-aged girls just love our daughters, they are always very excited when we bring the girls outside to play, and now we find the girls asking us to go play with the other kids. I feel our time as the complete and utter center of their universe us coming to an end! Next thing you know they will be asking for an allowance and for a ride to the movies with their friends (some of which may eventually be boys!).
Life is change; I am just trying to embrace it!
I also realized this week, that my girls are moving into independent exploration mode and that they don't always want mommy to tag along. In fact, they don't always want to explore with each other either. I'm finding it harder to adjust and to just hang back and watch from a distance then I thought it would be. They are so strong, and so daring, and I just want to protect them...but I also don't want to smother them or stifle their independence and social skills. The difficulty of this time is taking me by surprise.
We found a great park about 30 minutes from our new house and it is great because it is set up for all ages. The jungle gyms all have ramps that run through them, and at each transition platform their is a slide. The first of which is only about 1.5 feet off the ground and is meant for the first time slider. Each ramp then leads to a slide that that is slightly greater in pitch until you get to one that is about 25ft high and goes almost straight down. There are probably 15 different slides at different heights in between. The ground is covered in rubber, and it is really great for kids of all ages.
The other day we took the girls there, and they had so much fun. They didn't want to hold our hands, or wait for us, they were ready to run! I'm just not so sure we were ready for it. I can't wait to take them there again, unfortunately we forgot the camera, but plan to go back again soon.
We are practicing new words, and trying new things, everyday is an adventure. The girls are loving our neighbors, there are 7 girls from 4 different houses, that range in age from 8-11 years old, and two little boys ages 4 and 5. The elementary school-aged girls just love our daughters, they are always very excited when we bring the girls outside to play, and now we find the girls asking us to go play with the other kids. I feel our time as the complete and utter center of their universe us coming to an end! Next thing you know they will be asking for an allowance and for a ride to the movies with their friends (some of which may eventually be boys!).
Life is change; I am just trying to embrace it!
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
Shining differences!
The differences in the girls are showing more and more everyday. Isabel is a loner, and extremely independent. Alexa on the other hand, loves to play WITH you, and likes for us to participate in things along side her. Isabel can be more soft spoken, and tends to be very sensitive (I know most of you are thinking "she must get that from Deb"!!), Alexa conversely likes to yell many of the words she is learning and on occasion has been known to just scream very loudly just because it makes her laugh (clearly taking after Doug here!). I have never seen a child who loves to laugh as much as our Alexa.
The girls are very very curious these days, and constantly trying to repeat words that we say. Some of their favorites, are bye bye, book, car, up, Elmo, Daddy and Mommy. Although they are both saying all these words, they come out very differently from each of the girls. When you ask Izzy to say Mommy, she gets these really big, doey eyes, and softly lets out "ma ma". Very cute, and melts my heart each time. Then we'll ask Alexa to say Mommy and she says "MAA!" in her loudest voice. Hilarious the first couple of times you hear it. Bye bye is another funny one, with Izzy she takes her time and then finally uttering "buh bye" and Lexi letting out "BAHYE", again loudly, but this time with a southern twang!
We are really enjoying reading still, but have added signing videos to our list of favorite things to do. They both like the videos and have picked up a lot of signing through them, but of the two girls Lexi is mesmerized by the videos. When she wants to watch a video, or if you say the word video, she will come up to you grunting, and clasping her arms in front of her like she is cradling a baby and then rocks her arms back and forth. This is the sign for baby and is used in the theme song for the videos. They are really into associating signs with the things that go along with them. For example, whenever I ask the girls if they want to go in the car, Lexi usually will first make the sign for car, and then she will go over to the closet that contains our shoes and jackets, and she immediately starts making the sign for shoes. I think she does this because we always put our shoes on to go in the car, so she relates them and occasionally confuses them!
Isabel loves to find the missing item in a group, or if you are holding part of a toy and you ask her to find the other parts she will go get them and bring them all to you. She is a snuggler, and finds complete happiness just sitting in your lap. She can be much slower to warm up to people, but when she does she becomes quite the little flirt, and hams it up! She is a GREAT eater, but appears to be more petite than Lexi, we often comment that we wonder where she is putting it all! She adores puzzles, and enjoys reading, but if you throw her on your knee and bounce her around or twist her up and flip her over, she is in hog heaven! I think she is going to be a roller coaster girl!
The girls are very very curious these days, and constantly trying to repeat words that we say. Some of their favorites, are bye bye, book, car, up, Elmo, Daddy and Mommy. Although they are both saying all these words, they come out very differently from each of the girls. When you ask Izzy to say Mommy, she gets these really big, doey eyes, and softly lets out "ma ma". Very cute, and melts my heart each time. Then we'll ask Alexa to say Mommy and she says "MAA!" in her loudest voice. Hilarious the first couple of times you hear it. Bye bye is another funny one, with Izzy she takes her time and then finally uttering "buh bye" and Lexi letting out "BAHYE", again loudly, but this time with a southern twang!
We are really enjoying reading still, but have added signing videos to our list of favorite things to do. They both like the videos and have picked up a lot of signing through them, but of the two girls Lexi is mesmerized by the videos. When she wants to watch a video, or if you say the word video, she will come up to you grunting, and clasping her arms in front of her like she is cradling a baby and then rocks her arms back and forth. This is the sign for baby and is used in the theme song for the videos. They are really into associating signs with the things that go along with them. For example, whenever I ask the girls if they want to go in the car, Lexi usually will first make the sign for car, and then she will go over to the closet that contains our shoes and jackets, and she immediately starts making the sign for shoes. I think she does this because we always put our shoes on to go in the car, so she relates them and occasionally confuses them!
Isabel loves to find the missing item in a group, or if you are holding part of a toy and you ask her to find the other parts she will go get them and bring them all to you. She is a snuggler, and finds complete happiness just sitting in your lap. She can be much slower to warm up to people, but when she does she becomes quite the little flirt, and hams it up! She is a GREAT eater, but appears to be more petite than Lexi, we often comment that we wonder where she is putting it all! She adores puzzles, and enjoys reading, but if you throw her on your knee and bounce her around or twist her up and flip her over, she is in hog heaven! I think she is going to be a roller coaster girl!
Sunday, April 04, 2010
Random Spring Fun
Thursday, March 18, 2010
18 Months old Stats
The girls are healthy and doing great, here are their stats:
Isabel is 33 inches tall (80th percentile), and weighs 23 lbs, 8 oz. (40th percentile), and still has a big head! :) 48.7 cm (90th percentile!)
Alexa is 34 inches tall (95th percentile), and weighs 24 lbs, 10 oz. (60th percentile), and has a slightly smaller head at 47.6 cm (75th percentile).
The measurements really make them sound much different in size then they are. I don't see the inch difference when they are running around, but you can tell Lexi fills out the pants a little more than Izzy.
We have been having a lot of fun playing outside in this great weather and are headed out again this afternoon! We'll try to get some pictures!
Isabel is 33 inches tall (80th percentile), and weighs 23 lbs, 8 oz. (40th percentile), and still has a big head! :) 48.7 cm (90th percentile!)
Alexa is 34 inches tall (95th percentile), and weighs 24 lbs, 10 oz. (60th percentile), and has a slightly smaller head at 47.6 cm (75th percentile).
The measurements really make them sound much different in size then they are. I don't see the inch difference when they are running around, but you can tell Lexi fills out the pants a little more than Izzy.
We have been having a lot of fun playing outside in this great weather and are headed out again this afternoon! We'll try to get some pictures!
Tuesday, March 09, 2010
18 months old
Today the girls turn 18 months old, and I am reminded of all the BIG things that are about to happen in their lives, concepts they are going to start learning, and the growth that is in our very near future, and I can't help but smile.
I am really looking forward to the next six months. Today we ordered their very first potty chair, along with their very first potty book, and I never thought I could look forward to this but somehow I am. I am planning to take the laid back approach and just make the potty available to them, and see if their curiosity is piqued naturally. Please let the potty gods shine down on us!! :)
We are officially packing up all things sized 12-18 months, and are getting ready to move from size 4 to size 5 diapers. Just 18 months ago I was clueless as to what any of that meant! I sometimes miss my 5 lb. peanuts, but am really enjoying all the exciting firsts that are happening, and the actual comprehension that is taking place. It is so amazing to see it happen, the moment it clicks. I love to watch them, and listen to them jabber and even more to hear them laugh. They are amazing little girls, and are two very very bright spots in a sometimes gloomy/demanding/tiring day.
They are quite the little helpers these days, reminding me that they need to brush three times a day (still perfecting this, it is a crazy sight!), and they are so quick to find any pair of shoes that isn't in a closet or the laundry room and they pick them up, and then do whatever is necessary to get your attention so they can 1)show you they aren't where they are supposed to be and 2)have you open the door so they can put them away! They are just starting to get the concept that specific items go in specific places, like puzzles on the shelf, and balls in the plastic bin, but they don't get it completely. It's new, so we will take our time, but they are on their way to being girls who will one day put all of their toys away themselves because they understand where each and everyone of them goes.
I love to look forward, but also love to look back! I couldn't love these two little angels more if I tried! They have a doctor's appointment next week, I will update their stats then. Here is a look back in pictures of the last 18 months, what a ride it has been...


September 2008
Isabel Rita Hartig

Alexa Marley Hartig

October 2008

November 2008

December 2008

January 2009

February 2009

March 2009

April 2009

May 2009

June 2009

July 2009

August 2009

September 2009

October 2009

November 2009

December 2009

January 2010

February 2010

March 2010
I am really looking forward to the next six months. Today we ordered their very first potty chair, along with their very first potty book, and I never thought I could look forward to this but somehow I am. I am planning to take the laid back approach and just make the potty available to them, and see if their curiosity is piqued naturally. Please let the potty gods shine down on us!! :)
We are officially packing up all things sized 12-18 months, and are getting ready to move from size 4 to size 5 diapers. Just 18 months ago I was clueless as to what any of that meant! I sometimes miss my 5 lb. peanuts, but am really enjoying all the exciting firsts that are happening, and the actual comprehension that is taking place. It is so amazing to see it happen, the moment it clicks. I love to watch them, and listen to them jabber and even more to hear them laugh. They are amazing little girls, and are two very very bright spots in a sometimes gloomy/demanding/tiring day.
They are quite the little helpers these days, reminding me that they need to brush three times a day (still perfecting this, it is a crazy sight!), and they are so quick to find any pair of shoes that isn't in a closet or the laundry room and they pick them up, and then do whatever is necessary to get your attention so they can 1)show you they aren't where they are supposed to be and 2)have you open the door so they can put them away! They are just starting to get the concept that specific items go in specific places, like puzzles on the shelf, and balls in the plastic bin, but they don't get it completely. It's new, so we will take our time, but they are on their way to being girls who will one day put all of their toys away themselves because they understand where each and everyone of them goes.
I love to look forward, but also love to look back! I couldn't love these two little angels more if I tried! They have a doctor's appointment next week, I will update their stats then. Here is a look back in pictures of the last 18 months, what a ride it has been...


September 2008
Isabel Rita Hartig

Alexa Marley Hartig

October 2008

November 2008

December 2008

January 2009

February 2009

March 2009

April 2009

May 2009

June 2009

July 2009

August 2009

September 2009

October 2009

November 2009

December 2009

January 2010

February 2010

March 2010

Monday, March 08, 2010
Another month has passed, WOW!
The girls are trying to say a few words, definitely not Mommy, and occasionally Daddy, mostly "Gog"=Dog or Jeorgie, "Ca or Ga"=car, and the all time classic..."Ba"=Ball! I can feel it, they are at the edge and ready to dive head first into talking, and if they are more like me than Doug we are all in some serious trouble!
I have a new signing video that we have started to watch and they really seem to like the signs in this one. "Hat" is their favorite, and they get it right everytime, and mostly just really like when we are so proud of them and the get lots of "good girls" from us, so I guess it's the reaction that they love! For some reason they aren't catching on to "please", "thank you", and "sorry". Hmmm, I hope that isn't a warning of some sort?!
Both girls are happy kids, and funny in their own ways. Isabel is a little sassy girl, she loves to cross her arms, and roll her eyes, although some times she doesn't even know why she is doing it. She'll strut through a room, swinging her arm with attitude, and is already pretty good at the could shoulder. I make her sound angry, but she isn't, she just has attitude! At 18 months old it is cute, hopefully she outgrows it before it isn't! She is also our energetic explorer. She is the first to try everything! Her most recent accomplishment is being able to climb up on chairs and couches all by herself. She is not scared at all and loves to jump and move around on top of furniture as if she can't fall.
Lexi is way more cautious! She is very timid and doesn't like to try too many things on her own. Eventually after seeing Isabel do something for a while she will get around to trying it, but for the most part she is content letting us lift her onto the couch or a chair, and has no problem letting us do things for her. She likes to be served, and catered to. :) Lexi has a little bit of a mean streak in her when she get's upset or can't have something from Isabel. Twice this past week she has scratched Izzy's face on purpose! So I see a little refereeing in our near future!
Mostly they are great toddlers, who play together very well, and make me smile even on the hard days. We are all very much looking forward to spring, and getting outside. We just need to find the closest park! We went for a wagon ride around the new neighborhood the other day, and did a little exploring down a path in the woods that surround our house, but there is more to see and lots of fun adventures ahead of us this year.
I hope to update pictures soon, check the link later this week. I will try to get through Feb loaded by then.
I have a new signing video that we have started to watch and they really seem to like the signs in this one. "Hat" is their favorite, and they get it right everytime, and mostly just really like when we are so proud of them and the get lots of "good girls" from us, so I guess it's the reaction that they love! For some reason they aren't catching on to "please", "thank you", and "sorry". Hmmm, I hope that isn't a warning of some sort?!
Both girls are happy kids, and funny in their own ways. Isabel is a little sassy girl, she loves to cross her arms, and roll her eyes, although some times she doesn't even know why she is doing it. She'll strut through a room, swinging her arm with attitude, and is already pretty good at the could shoulder. I make her sound angry, but she isn't, she just has attitude! At 18 months old it is cute, hopefully she outgrows it before it isn't! She is also our energetic explorer. She is the first to try everything! Her most recent accomplishment is being able to climb up on chairs and couches all by herself. She is not scared at all and loves to jump and move around on top of furniture as if she can't fall.
Lexi is way more cautious! She is very timid and doesn't like to try too many things on her own. Eventually after seeing Isabel do something for a while she will get around to trying it, but for the most part she is content letting us lift her onto the couch or a chair, and has no problem letting us do things for her. She likes to be served, and catered to. :) Lexi has a little bit of a mean streak in her when she get's upset or can't have something from Isabel. Twice this past week she has scratched Izzy's face on purpose! So I see a little refereeing in our near future!
Mostly they are great toddlers, who play together very well, and make me smile even on the hard days. We are all very much looking forward to spring, and getting outside. We just need to find the closest park! We went for a wagon ride around the new neighborhood the other day, and did a little exploring down a path in the woods that surround our house, but there is more to see and lots of fun adventures ahead of us this year.
I hope to update pictures soon, check the link later this week. I will try to get through Feb loaded by then.
Tuesday, February 02, 2010
So little time...
These girls are growing up so fast, I wish like so many that have come before me, that I too could just slow things down a bit. The girls are crazy, and exciting, energetic and sweet, and growing like weeds! We have been without internet for a few months now, so I haven't been updating the blog like I should be. I apologize to all those far away, we miss you too!!
Our little angels are on the move, and learning like crazy. I have found myself at many moments reminding myself that "they are watching"! They are so impressionable right now I am tortured thinking I will teach them 1) to over-react to situations 2)anger or worse yet 3) to be unkind. I hope I can curb my behavior in time to show them how to be polite, kind, giving and happy toddlers! Wish me luck!
They are almost out of the 12-18 month size, but the 18-24 months sizes are just a little on the baggy side for them. So I just roll up the sleeves or pant legs, rather than trying to squeeze them into the size below! The girls love shoes; whether they are mine, Doug's or theirs, they LOVE shoes.
Their favorite things right now, are pointing to their different body parts when Mommy or Daddy say "where is your (fill in the blank)?", their favorite one is still the nose! Isabel really likes her belly button, still, and everyone elses too. She will lift up anyones shirt and stick her head underneath to try to find their bellybutton! It is embarrassing, and adorable all at once. Alexa LOVES to have someone chase her. The only real issue here is that she likes to look back over her shoulder to make sure you are still coming after her and has run into many a wall! She is a very very happy baby, loves to laugh and smile. Isabel on the other hand, is a bit more serious, and can give some looks that could kill! She is into rolling her eyes right now, but for no reason. She is onry and surly one minute and cuddly and loving the next. I wonder where she gets that hot/cold attitude?
Their favorite toys are the shape sorters, and BOOKS, they love books. Isabel would prefer if I only read to her, she can be bossy like that. Occasionally when Lexi brings me a book to read her (or for me to hold so she can turn the pages much faster than I can read what is on them), Isabel will sit or stand on it. Lexi has her moments too, but they were meant to understand eachother! Oh girls! Cause and effect, and also opposites are very fun for them too. They have a new toy that we got them for their new play room, it has a light switch that they love to turn on and off, and a window they like to open and close, and a doorbell they like to ring. It's a great toy and the girls are loving it! Next, I am hoping to get them an easel and art supplies, so we'll see.
More to come...
Our little angels are on the move, and learning like crazy. I have found myself at many moments reminding myself that "they are watching"! They are so impressionable right now I am tortured thinking I will teach them 1) to over-react to situations 2)anger or worse yet 3) to be unkind. I hope I can curb my behavior in time to show them how to be polite, kind, giving and happy toddlers! Wish me luck!
They are almost out of the 12-18 month size, but the 18-24 months sizes are just a little on the baggy side for them. So I just roll up the sleeves or pant legs, rather than trying to squeeze them into the size below! The girls love shoes; whether they are mine, Doug's or theirs, they LOVE shoes.
Their favorite things right now, are pointing to their different body parts when Mommy or Daddy say "where is your (fill in the blank)?", their favorite one is still the nose! Isabel really likes her belly button, still, and everyone elses too. She will lift up anyones shirt and stick her head underneath to try to find their bellybutton! It is embarrassing, and adorable all at once. Alexa LOVES to have someone chase her. The only real issue here is that she likes to look back over her shoulder to make sure you are still coming after her and has run into many a wall! She is a very very happy baby, loves to laugh and smile. Isabel on the other hand, is a bit more serious, and can give some looks that could kill! She is into rolling her eyes right now, but for no reason. She is onry and surly one minute and cuddly and loving the next. I wonder where she gets that hot/cold attitude?
Their favorite toys are the shape sorters, and BOOKS, they love books. Isabel would prefer if I only read to her, she can be bossy like that. Occasionally when Lexi brings me a book to read her (or for me to hold so she can turn the pages much faster than I can read what is on them), Isabel will sit or stand on it. Lexi has her moments too, but they were meant to understand eachother! Oh girls! Cause and effect, and also opposites are very fun for them too. They have a new toy that we got them for their new play room, it has a light switch that they love to turn on and off, and a window they like to open and close, and a doorbell they like to ring. It's a great toy and the girls are loving it! Next, I am hoping to get them an easel and art supplies, so we'll see.
More to come...
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