I am really looking forward to the next six months. Today we ordered their very first potty chair, along with their very first potty book, and I never thought I could look forward to this but somehow I am. I am planning to take the laid back approach and just make the potty available to them, and see if their curiosity is piqued naturally. Please let the potty gods shine down on us!! :)
We are officially packing up all things sized 12-18 months, and are getting ready to move from size 4 to size 5 diapers. Just 18 months ago I was clueless as to what any of that meant! I sometimes miss my 5 lb. peanuts, but am really enjoying all the exciting firsts that are happening, and the actual comprehension that is taking place. It is so amazing to see it happen, the moment it clicks. I love to watch them, and listen to them jabber and even more to hear them laugh. They are amazing little girls, and are two very very bright spots in a sometimes gloomy/demanding/tiring day.
They are quite the little helpers these days, reminding me that they need to brush three times a day (still perfecting this, it is a crazy sight!), and they are so quick to find any pair of shoes that isn't in a closet or the laundry room and they pick them up, and then do whatever is necessary to get your attention so they can 1)show you they aren't where they are supposed to be and 2)have you open the door so they can put them away! They are just starting to get the concept that specific items go in specific places, like puzzles on the shelf, and balls in the plastic bin, but they don't get it completely. It's new, so we will take our time, but they are on their way to being girls who will one day put all of their toys away themselves because they understand where each and everyone of them goes.
I love to look forward, but also love to look back! I couldn't love these two little angels more if I tried! They have a doctor's appointment next week, I will update their stats then. Here is a look back in pictures of the last 18 months, what a ride it has been...


September 2008
Isabel Rita Hartig

Alexa Marley Hartig

October 2008

November 2008

December 2008

January 2009

February 2009

March 2009

April 2009

May 2009

June 2009

July 2009

August 2009

September 2009

October 2009

November 2009

December 2009

January 2010

February 2010

March 2010

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