Here are some pictures from the last week or so, we are loving this parenting thing!

This picture cracks me up because both of the girls do this when they are either sleeping or just waking up. They are always watching, spooky!

The girls are still very different, not only in the way they look but also in the way they act. We are having so much fun having two really great girls!

Jeorgie just loves the girls, she always wants to kiss them and is very concerned when they cry. She has really gotten used to them and is getting used to how things are working around the house these days; except of course when it comes to me!
For those of you who don't know, Jeorgie has always been a really good dog. She never chewed on things that didn't belong to her, and she was pretty much house broken when we got her, a genuinely perfect dog. Well, not so much when it comes to letting me know she is mad at me!
The first week we were home with Isabel, Jeorgie decided to go into my room and chew up my book! Shocked me! Then this past weekend while we were visiting Grandma Q and Papa Bill in PA she decided to look me directly in the eye, crawl onto her pillow and blanket and PEE!! I was so surprised, it took a minute to register what she was doing. I know she meant it directly towards me because she followed me up to bed, we were the only ones there! It was deliberate! Of course, I wanted to believe it wasn't deliberate and these were just two happy (read with sarcastic tone) coincidences. Then last night she made it very clear for me. While my friend Rebecca and her 3 week old son were visiting me and the girls apparently Jeorgie began to feel ignored once again because she decided to walk over to her toy basket (think of a woven hamper with a lid) she knocked the whole thing over, well my sunglasses, some keys, the phone and a few other things were on top. She grabbed my glasses and proceeded to find a corner in the room and destroy them! Man this dog is mad at me! But you can see by the picture she loves the girls and wants to be a part of everything!

Our little angels!
Oh my gosh, I love these babies. I can't tell more if they look like you or Riley. Yes, I said Riley. Not Doug, but Riley. No mistakin' they are cousins.