We were also very lucky to have had Doug's Grandparents, Meme and Alex, drive all the way from Melbourne Florida to come see the girls! We were lucky to have them here over Halloween weekend and were able to capture 4 generations together. The visit was nice, but of course was over too soon. We are just so happy they came all this way to spend time with Isabel and Alexa.

This week the girls, Doug and I went on our first outing to Costco. I am sure it is the first of many and it was a site to see. Lets just say Costco isn't a trip I can make with the girls by myself! Come to think of it, there aren't many trips I can take with the girls that require me to bring anything else back with me! I am learning quickly my limits and not to test them! We took a few pictures of the girls in their winter gear that Grandma Q and Grandpa Bill bought them. The girls are still a little small for the outerwear, but there is a lot of cold weather yet to come!

As of Sunday November 2, 2008 Doug and I are officially on our own with the girls for the first time, EVER! It was a little scary at first, thinking of all the help I had and that when Doug left for work on Tuesday I would be alone with my girls all day with no help! I prayed the girls would have a good day, and what do you know we made it through! We actually had a great day, the girls were sleepy all day so there were no simultaneous unhappy moments which made things much easier on me! After almost 8 weeks of help I wondered what the first few days solo would bring. Would the girls notice we were the only ones here now? Would I be able to handle it? Would I curse Doug all day for being away!? I was afraid to find out, so instead decided to introduce the girls to some other changes to try to ease the transition. This week, we have started sleeping in our own room, in the beautiful cribs Grandma Bobbie and Grandpa Jim gave us! The girls are not sleeping through the night in their own beds yet, but they will make it 4 hours or so, and then I usually feed them and they sleep in the boppy's on the couch next to me the rest of the night. If I am lucky, I'll feed them and then get them back to sleep within 1.5 hours and hopefully get another 2.5-3 hours of sleep on the couch. This is a good night. We have also started bathtime to help tucker the little ones out at night, which in turn helps us get 4 hours straight of sleep! So I guess what I am saying is that Doug and I have so far been able to manage the girls sleep and eating schedules together. We are just hoping our great experience as new parents of twins continues.
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