They are doing amazing things everyday. Both can now roll over in both directions, and Isabel has begun to use rolling as her way of getting around! The days of laying them on the couch and walking away to do something are OVER! They are transitioning from sleeping in their swings at nap time to sleeping in their cribs all the time! We have officially stopped swaddling them too; man it goes by so fast. I've heard people say that so many times, and you never appreciate it fully until it's past. The girls have moved onto 2ND foods (slightly thicker with tiny chunks in it, and combined flavors), are beginning to learn to spit food now too! Yeah, I was waiting for this!! :)
The girls really enjoyed April, they had their first Easter, visited Papa Bill and Grandma Q in PA with Uncle Rob, Aunt Kim, and Julia!

They even got their first chocolate bunnies from Papa Bill and Grandma Q!

Immediately following our trip to PA, Grandma Bobbie and Grandpa Jim came up to Maryland to visit. The girls loved spending time with them both, and learned a lot of new things from Grandma Bobbie. They also got their first sets of bunny ears and a great dancing bunny too!

Rounding out a very happy and eventful month was a fun visit from cousin Julia and Uncle Rob, and the girls first NHL Stanley Cup playoff series against the NY Rangers!

Caps prevailed, and the girls were "rocking the hawk" to show what amazing fans they are already!!

We are currently working on sitting unassisted, Isabel is pretty much there, the topples are fewer and farther between every day! Lexi is a little less enthusiastic about sitting, but she is still tolerating me insisting she try!! They are both still ecstatic about the exersaucer, but thanks to Uncle Rob, Aunt Kim, and most of all Julia, the girls new favorite toy is the JUMPAROO!!! You have to see it to believe how crazy they are about it! THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!!

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