WOW, time passes so quickly these days; I can't believe it has been 1.5 months since my last post, and that was just a quick little blurb! Many people warned me that about this time, life would seem like it had been kicked into fast forward, and boy were they right. The girls are learning so much, it is a daily thing it seems. It is amazing to see them learn, and watch them grow, but seems bitter sweet at times knowing they will never be this small, this innocent, and this dependent on us, ever again. Don't get me wrong, there are days when I would welcome a week long vacation to regroup, but the majority of the time I still just can't seem to get enough of these little creatures!
February-- Aunt Paula (Deb's sister) came to visit, with Baby #2 (she's pregnant)! The girls spent a lot of time cuddling and sleeping in her arms, they were so comfortable with her from the start. It doesn't surprise me that the girls would feel so safe and secure in her arms, because she is a great mom! I felt really lucky that she came out to spend time with our family even though she had to be away from hers. I am so happy the girls got to meet another one of my siblings (I have a few!). During Paula's visit, Isabel learned to do the tripod! She isn't that skilled at it yet, but we are working on it! Grandma Q and Papa Bill came down to Maryland that weekend also, and we got to spend time at Aunt Kim and Uncle Rob's house with everybody. Julia is an amazing cousin, she loves the girls so much and always wants to hold them and help with anything they need. She might regret that later when they just won't leave her alone!!

On Monday February 2, 2009 Doug was off to Lake Tahoe, CA and NV to snowboard!

As luck would have it, Paula's husband Chris was looking to go snowboarding also and Deb's sister Laura's husband, Matt, happened to be headed to Lake Tahoe with some friends also!

So while the boys were all on their way to some fun and trouble making, Deb and the girls, and Jeorgie too, were off to another stay at Grandma Q and Papa Bill's house in PA. Thank you again, I would not have made it through 8 days and nights alone!! I can never tell you how much it meant for my sanity and how much help it was.
February 9, 2009-- The girls turned 5 months old, and we had another weight check! Isabel weighed in at a whopping 13 lbs. 3 oz. and

Alexa weighed in at 11 lbs. 14 oz., they are doing great the doctor says. Nothing to worry about, just keep feeding them!
5 months old also brought on the ability to laugh out loud, purposefully grasp objects placed in front of them, and the ever so amazing baby babble! Unfortunately, I wasn't able to catch any of this on video because for some reason whenever a camera pops up they stop doing whatever it was I was trying to capture!! Sneaky little buggers!

The rest of February was filled with more attempts at tummy time, very short stints in the exersaucer, learning how to nap (they have yet to master this), and for Isabel...finding her feet!

She loves to grab her left foot, and pull it towards her mouth! She doesn't seem to be able to get to her right foot yet, but I am sure that is coming, and eventually the double grab!! We are still not rolling over unassisted yet, but sure are trying!

The end of February also brought interest in each other! The girls finally have started looking for each other, and reaching towards one another. Feeling each others faces, sucking on each others fingers (sorta gross) and just watching intently. It is amazing to watch, and it makes my heart melt every time.

I never knew how much I would be glad they have each other; the bond between sisters is amazing. I love that they will get to have something as great and as special as I have with my sisters.
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