Yesterday the girls turned 13 months old, I am sure many of you are reading this and thinking, so what? But to me it is crazy, and exciting and breathtaking; where has the time gone? The girls are learning more and more everyday and trying new things everyday. Oh, and they're growing, and growing, and growing!
Isabel is very impressionable, and loves to repeat movements and sounds. Right now her two favorite things in the world are, waving Hi,and trying to also say it. It doesn't really come out as "Hi" but is clear that is what she is trying to say; and also she loves to put her finger in the air, directed toward Jeorgie, and say "sit". It is about the cutest thing in the entire world. She is also trying to master blowing kisses. When we do it, she will try to mimic us, but it is hit or miss right now; she has to be in the mood.
Alexa is huge! I know this would sound crazy to a stranger, a mother describing her child this way, but she is off the charts! I never imagined a year ago that I would be seeing her this way. I am amazed at the difference a year makes, and very sure we are going to have a hard time fitting into the 12-18 months snow pants we bought her!! :) She is entertaining and fearless. She never bats an eye or hesitates in the slightest when she decides to try something new. The other day she decided it was time to use the "walk behind" toy her Grandma Bobbie and Grandpa Jim gave her, correctly! She walked across our living room pushing it from behind and was so proud of herself when she reached the other end. I was proud too, a little too much so probably!!!
They are both standing all the time with the help of furniture, and have begun to want to let go. They move along the furniture with speed and race on their hands and knees to get to something, or someone, first. I can't wait to get them outside and take bets! It won't be long before they are standing independently, and soon after will be walking unassisted; I have mixed emotions about all of it! The girls have been trying all sorts of new foods lately, but to my content they still love their veggies, and fish, the most. So happy to see them growing and excelling, but sad to see that time in their lives go.
Wow, it still stuns me how much I love these babies, I mean kids/girls/angels!