I can't believe my baby girls are 9 months old today. It seems like just yesterday I was breaking down in the waiting area outside the NICU while my mom sat there, holding Isabel, and listened, and comforted me and continued to support me like she has done all my life. She reassured me that everything was going to be fine, and Alexa would come around in her own time...
BOY, WAS SHE RIGHT! Talk about thriving; there are only 4 oz. that separate the two of them with Lexi weighing in at 19 lbs even, and Isabel still holding the lead at a whopping 19 lbs. and 4 oz. This puts both of them smack dab right in the middle at the 50th percentile for weight. I am not worried any more Mom!! Isabel is slightly taller, 28.25 inches in comparison to Alexa's 28 inches even (I think they are the same height, it was a measuring issue!) This month they have jumped up to the 75 percentile for height, maybe we will have tall girls, I would love it! Both of them have big heads, but Isabel has moved into the 95 percentile! I think it is that flat spot finally rounding out!
The girls are funnier than ever! They babble and babble to each other, pull each other's hair, lick each other's noses, and so much more. I am thrilled to be in this time of their life because so many fun things are happening, but I do find myself looking back and wondering where the last 9 months have gone. No more teeny tiny feet and itty bitty socks; long gone are the newborn clothes and the tiny cries. I was sure I was taking time to "smell the roses", but even when you think you are savoring the moments they disappear too quickly. We have moved on to newer and more exciting accomplishments now, like learning to clap, cutting 1st teeth and oh yes, their favorite, CHEERIOS!
The girls spend a lot of time in their high chairs these days, between feedings and learning to feed themselves finger food, it is a very time consuming process! So far, the girls are not fond of many foods, probably because of the texture. Avocado was a miss, same with watermelon, no luck with bananas yet either; pasta primavera was a big NO WAY, but we still keep trying! Cheerios seem to be the chosen food. We are going to try a few new foods next week: rice, plain pasta, cooked/mashed carrots and sweet potatoes, and maybe even some broccoli crowns, lunch meat, chicken and more! The doc suggested skipping the 3rd foods which have the puree with chunks in them (pasta primavera), if the girls are picky about texture. But she says it is important to keep trying more and more finger foods. We will also be trying to lose the bottle and instead use a sippy cup over the next few months also! So many changes so fast!
Alexa has her first tooth, it started to show through the gums on the last day of May! It feels like the bottom right one is ready to cut soon too. No teeth for Isabel yet, she is all gums and loves to show 'em off!
Clapping, slapping and banging...these are a few of Isabel's favorite things. She really likes the sounds of clapping and banging things together. Her coordination has improved so much in the last couple weeks that she is constantly banging different things together to see what sound they make. She usually hold them in each of her hands and bangs them together like cymbals! Hopefully this means she is musically inclined (she would get that from Dougie!).
The girls have almost mastered sitting up, but haven't quite made it to the point where they can move to a sitting position from a laying position on their own yet. Once this happens it is all over! They will be on the run and I will be forever on the move trying to chase them down! Good thing I have started back to the gym. The cribs are being lowered this week because pulling themselves up is just around the corner! Baby proofing has officially begun, and I know it will probably not end for years to come!
My ever-so-wise and beautiful sister Paula has told me more than once that at this age life will seem like someone hit the fast forward button, she was so right! I am going to make a very valliant effort over the next 3 months to soak it all in and really enjoy the remaining time in their incredible first year of life!