This is just a quick post to let you know I added December pictures to the Picasa page. You can view our picasa albums by clicking on the Picasa Pictures link on the right. Anyway, the girls are doing a ton of new stuff, they smile a lot now, giggle out loud and make all sorts of great noises especially if you make them back at them. Isabel has started holding her own bottle already, it is so cute. Lexi is still really relaxed when she gets a bottle, she will get there eventually though! The girls experienced their first snow fall at Grandma Q and Papa Bill's house last week, and their first snowfall at home is happening as I post this. The girls have also started using their legs more and will stand assisted. They are still a little too wobbly for the exersaucer but we have stared using the bumbo chairs and the girls like to sit in them for limited periods of time. Hand eye coordination is improving everyday and cause and effect is the big lesson this week. More to come soon.
Isabel and Lexi Updated Photo

Isabel Holding Her Bottle

Izzy B with Papa Bill

Lexi is ready for Snow!

Izzy B in the Bumbo!